Not Just a Bit of Me-Time
Pregnancy should be a wonderful time in any woman’s life, but the stresses and strains it puts on the body can cloud this happy time. Massage during the second and third trimester can help alleviate these symptoms, promoting relaxation and supporting the body through the enormous physiological changes it experiences during pregnancy. Massage can also help prepare the body and mind for childbirth and can have a beneficial effect on the developing baby.
Due to the weight of the baby, the associated fluid and fat deposits, a healthy pregnant woman will put on between 30-40lbs. While this is completely normal, the increase and location of the weight causes the body’s centre of gravity to shift forwards which impacts on the musculoskeletal system as it tries to compensate. The normal lower back curve is exaggerated, often leading to low back pain, while muscles in the buttocks, neck, upper chest and elsewhere become tight, stiff and sore as they are overused to maintain stability. Others such as those in the mid-back and abdominals become stretched and weak and so are unable to support posture effectively. Further, the muscles around the hips and pelvis are overused as they try to stabilise the pelvis against the growing weight of the uterus and the slight softening of the pelvic ligaments. This overuse can cause sciatic-type symptoms with tight muscles pressing on nerves. Massage can help relieve these aches and pains during pregnancy, loosening tight structures, freeing impingements and enabling the woman to better cope with the demands placed on her body.
Many women experience swelling the feet, ankles, wrists and hands during pregnancy. This is due to the blood volume increasing by up to 50%, which can lead to excess fluid in the tissues and swelling. This in turn can cause neural symptoms such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Massage increases blood circulation, providing better oxygenation and nutrition to the tissues of both the mother and baby. It will also facilitate the removal of the natural waste products of metabolism through the stimulation of the lymphatic and circulatory systems. This will enhance energy levels and reduce fatigue, so promoting greater well-being.
Headaches can be caused by many things, but commonly in pregnancy tightness in the upper neck muscles can be the trigger. The tightness develops due to the altered posture, leading to shortening in this area, which refers pain to the head. Massage to relax these muscles can be very effective and can prevent the problem of headaches reoccurring.
Hormones play a huge role in the physical and emotional changes a woman will experience during pregnancy. Research has shown that the unborn child can be affected by stress hormones released by the mother’s body, namely, adrenalin and cortisol. Massage not only helps to reduce levels of stress and therefore stress hormones, but it also stimulates secretion of other hormones and can promote hormone balance, giving the mother a greater sense of emotional stability and well-being.
Pregnancy in the modern day is a demanding process, with many women working until the final weeks and still coping with what was already a busy life. Massage give the pregnant lady a change to relax, unwind and connect with her body. And of course, with her baby.